The Dead Cat in The Freezer

The Biochemistry of Confidence
January 13, 2016
The Fat of The Land
January 13, 2016
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The Dead Cat in The Freezer

Once upon a time there was a woman who had a dilemma. She attended a personal development seminar to try to get some input into her situation. She mingled with the other attendees and asked all of them about her dilemma. Then she got an opportunity to talk to the seminar leader about her situation.

Lady (L): I have got a problem.

Seminar Leader (SL): What’s your problem and how can I help you?

L: Well my cat died and I don’t know whether to bury him or stuff him.

SL: Where’s the cat?

L: He’s in my freezer.

SL: Along with your food?!

L: Yeah….

SL: Why don’t you just burry him.

L: I think I should stuff him.

SL: Yeah why don’t you stuff him?

L: No, you know what I think I should burry him.

The Lady went around and had more or less the same conversation with several members of the group going over and back undecided.

So my question for you my dear readers today is:

What’s the “DEAD CAT IN THE FREEZER” of your life?

Where are you holding yourself up, locking yourself up and freezing your potential to create and generate the changes you say you desire in your life?

Just like it takes energy to run your freezer, it takes energy to put your life on hold and lock your dreams up. Every time you pause, step back and put off creating change and making a choice for something new you are wasting valuable energy – energy that could be plugged into the creative and generative process. That could show up in your body as stiffness, lack of flexibility, fatigue or excess body fat. Excess body fat is a store of pure potential energy that’s waiting to be tapped.

How many ways do we put the dead cat in the freezer?


1: We defer the process of change by deciding we are going to change next week, next month etc. e.g. I’ll start training when the kids are back in school.

2: We make other things more important, “Well I can’t possibly focus on my body now because I have to focus on my kids, job, family, husband…..” Example; the woman who has not lost her “baby weight” and her child is 6 years old.

3: We pretend to ourselves that we will do this first before we choose that e.g. I will lose a few lbs first then I will join a gym.

4: We make money an excuse to not follow through on what we desire. E.g. I want to get in shape but I can’t afford it. I was interviewing a client once who was all excited about training but then decided she couldn’t afford it as her husband’s car broke down and it was going to cost too much to repair. So the car became more important than her and another dead cat in the freezer.

  1. We decide we don’t have enough time to invest in our health, training, food preparation.

“Yes, of course. Who has time? Who has time? But then if we never *take* time, how can we have time?”

The Merovingian , from the Matrix


In my new book “Cracking the Mind/Body Code” (available here) I discuss this in the chapter on Mindfulness about your behaviour.

Identifying and eliminating the dead cats in YOUR freezer

One of the biggest roadblocks to most people wanting to have a better and healthier body is the practice of procrastination many examples of which I have given above. In working with a coach who can help you identify the dead cats in your freezer you start to unlock yourself and your energy moves in a more creative direction e.g. creating a whole new body instead of re-creating the fat, sick or weak one day after day. Did you realise that your, fat, sick, or weak body is actually a creation that costs energy just like it costs energy to keep the dead cat in the freezer? That energy could be redirected to create and generate a happy, vibrant, lean and toned body that is fluid, energised and full of the joy of living. The energy cost is the same it’s all a matter of how you direct the use of that energy.


Have you considered Personal Training and/or Nutrition and Lifestyle Transformation . For more information just click on the links.



My new ONLINE PERSONAL TRAINING is now available at a much reduced cost to standard training. So that’s on dead cat you can finally wave goodbye!


What are the dead cats in the freezer of your life? Please share below in the comments box and if you liked this article then click on the icons to share with family and friends.

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