Closeup portrait angry young woman, blowing steam coming out of ears, about to have nervous atomic breakdown, isolated black background. Negative human emotions facial expression feelings attitude
In today’s blog I am going to discuss a phenomenon that not too many people consider when it comes to fat loss and health. Usually people talk about fat loss, calories, macronutrient ratios and killer workouts. What we do know about fat loss and health is that they are inherently connected to energy. One of the things that influences your energy far more than exercise, sleep, nutrition or vitamins is the company you keep. So in today’s blog I am going to look at the trainers, drainers and complainers keeping you fat , sick and weak!
Christiaan Huygens, a Dutch mathematician and scientist, and the inventor of the pendulum clock, was the first person to observe a phenomenon called “Coupled Oscillations”. Basically when two pendulums that were swinging out of sync were brought near each other they started to swing in sync. This is a process that has been called entrainment.
This is observed in the inanimate world of physics, however in biological systems similar entrainment patterns can be observed. Women who live together in close proximity for several months find their menstrual cycles becoming synchronised, a phenomenon known as the McClintock effect (after the scientist Martha McClintocks paper on the subject published in the journal Nature in 1971).
Basically the people we hang out with most frequently have the potential to entrain us to their vibration, be that habit, way of thinking, beliefs, or behaviours. This can work for us or against us depending on our level of awareness. If we hang out with proactive, inspiring and energising people this can have an expansive uplifting effect in our lives. If we hang out with the drainers and complainers of the world it can have the opposite effect unless we are masters of maintaining a high vibrational state in our energy fields.
Drainers and Complainers
The drainers and complainers of the world are in vast supply. These people have been described as energy vampires, energy sponges and energy parasites. They literally try to suck the life force out of you. You will know you are around one if you were in a good mood and all of a sudden your energy and mood tanks. These people are always focusing and talking about what is wrong in their lives and why everyone else is wrong and bad. The “Haters” on the internet are a classic example of this phenomenon.
The drainers and complainers of the world are not masters of their energy field and so they seek to sabotage the energy of others. Drainers and complainers have no interest in stepping it up and taking responsibility for their lives. Their default mode is to blame, criticise, defer, procrastinate and make excuses why they can’t do X, Y, Z. The way you can identify these people most easily is if you hear the phrase “I HAVE/HAD NO CHOICE”
Now there is a critically important difference between a person who is stepping into their vulnerability (an advanced stage of Self Mastery) and a complainer or drainer. The vulnerable person speaks their truth (in the appropriate setting with a trusted friend or therapist) as part of a process of being brutally honest with themselves without judgement, blame or expectation. They are very proactive in taking the appropriate steps to rectify their situation. They take action and responsibility to change their circumstances.
The drainers and complainers have no intention to change! Why should they! They are too busy robbing your energy bank account. They piss and they moan and complain just to get your attention and energy. You can recognise these people probably most easily by their lack of willingness to do anything proactive despite being offered help or professional advice.
I remember I had a client one time many years ago who was willing to do everything except the one thing she needed to do to lose the weight. She needed to really focus on detoxification. Any time I brought up the subject she was either too busy, it wasn’t a good time, she had …..Wait for it….NO CHOICE, etc , etc. Needless to say this client was getting far more mileage pissing and moaning to me about her body woes than actually doing the one thing that would have transformed her, i.e. stepping into her power and doing what needed to be done. I ended up firing this client as she was a constant drain on my energy. Then I made space for clients who were ready to follow through on my advice.
The fastest way to lose weight
Take an inventory of all the drainers and complainers in your life. Are they really enhancing your life and adding to it or are they a mill stone around your neck?
Eliminate them from your life or reduce your time with them substantially.
Do not entertain their whinging.
I was travelling back from a Pilates Workshop in London yesterday and somebody had taken my seat without asking (a window seat). I wasn’t bothered as it was only a short flight so I let it go. The guy in question who was severely obese and clearly very physiologically stressed started to piss and moan about how the airline was always late and crap (they are in fact 90% on time and we landed on time!!)
He tried to “hook into my energy field” so I promptly put on my head phones to listen to a really great radio show I had recorded with a kick ass powerful and proactive presenter. I could feel the guy seething as he was looking for somebody to explode on! Today it was not going to be me! Yippee! Eventually he gave one of the staff, an innocent bystander, an earful.
The drainers and complainers feed on your attention as they are not attuned to their own personal power. You know when you are at the zoo and you see a sign:
Do not feed the drainers and complainers of life with your attention and try to remember the difference between vulnerability and complaining.
I avoided gaining 250lbs of toxic weight on my London flight as I was not willing to play catch the poo ball with this guy!!
How much of your excess weight is a protection from the drainers and complainers of the world?
For more information on a holistic approach to fat loss that includes training nutrition and a large dollop of AWARENESS the contact Clare at: